
programming, drawing, photograpy etc.

Hi All,

This is another post about art for games.

Today I want to write to you about making sound effects for games. A couple of years or more ago, I did the cs50 game development course available for free on edx - CS50's Introduction to Game Development | edX. In the course you create several old 2d games from scratch. Colton Ogden the instructor showed a program called Bfxr. Make sound effects for your games.

This was the first time I was able to create some sounds without having any idea about how to work with audio. It’s almost like how children learn when they start playing with something new. The software accomplishes a simplicity which is awesome.

Here’s how to use it - press the buttons on the screen to produce some sound or the other. If you like the sound save it and use it in your game. That’s it!😀

Here’s what the screen looks like…

Screenshot of the Bfxr Program

Give it a shot, even if you’re not building a game, you might have some fun with sounds. Maybe you can use the sounds in your presentations at work 😝.

Bye for now!

Abhishek (art noob)