
programming, drawing, photograpy etc.

Articles in the PicoTurtle category

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PicoTurtle C# program to draw a wave

Recently I added C# .NET support to picoturtle. I was playing around generating waves... here's an example based on the sine function. And the C# Turtle code follows below.

using System;
using picoturtle;

namespace cspico
    class MainClass
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create the turtle before using
            Turtle t = picoturtle.Turtle.CreateTurtle(args);

            if (t != null) {
                // Your code goes here


                for(double i = 0; i < 500; i+=0.25) {
                    double sin = Math.Sin(i/15);
                    double y = sin * 100;
                    int col = Math.Abs …
PicoTurtle released

This week I built the first release of PicoTurtle - a turtle program built on REST/HTTP APIs, allowing programs written in potentially any programming language to draw turtle graphics with it. The desktop editor is built using electron. Download it at PicoTurtle Homepage.

I'll make follow-up posts about how the program works, but here's a dragon curve drawn using picoturtle...

And here's the code... (based on the entry on dragon curve in wikipedia at

from picoturtle import *

### Your code goes here ###

def dragonCurve(order, length):
    right(order * 45)
    dragonCurveRecursive(order, length, 1 …
Exploring turtle graphics

This week I started exploring turtle graphics with my son as he is very interested in drawing and crafts (he calls his room "art room"). We wrote one program together in python's turtle graphics library. It's here - , and this is what it looks like :)

So this got me reading and exploring a bit more about turtle graphics, especially since the tools and language python were not really easy enough to use for my son. So I decided to create my own turtle environment (currently I'm thinking about doing this in electron so that it's available on all platforms …

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