
programming, drawing, photograpy etc.

Articles in the artnoob category

Writing a 2D Game in LÖVE

My son and I were playing a game called barrage on my old linux laptop day before yesterday. It’s a very old laptop so only old low graphics games run on this machine. We liked barrage. It’s a simple tank shooter. There is a gun positioned at the north-west of the screen, and the screen itself is a battle field and tanks come from the north or south and cross the field. You have to position a mouse crosshair and shoot as many as you can.

Simple game, I thought I can recreate it in a few days …

The Seinfeld Method


This is a method or strategy attributed to Jerry Sienfeld the famous standup comic. Now it’s possible that he wasn’t the first to use it, but this is how it is known in popular culture. The idea is in some sense a result of the adage “You are what you do.” Therefore if you want to be something, let’s say a singer or rally car driver - then you should sing or drive a rally car as often as possible.

This “as often as possible” translates to “everyday” in the Seinfeld method. He is a comic so …

Learning Pixel Art

I’ve had to build another logo in Aseprite for a tiny personal software project. And I really liked making pixel art. Something about the sharp angles, jagged edges, limited palette, limited canvas and limited drawing tools - helps you get creative.

Therefore I wanted to compile a list of resources about where and how to start with pixel art.

What is Pixel Art?

Let’s take first things first though. There is no canonical definition, but if you are working with a small canvas, editing it at the pixel-level, and working with a limited palette - then you’re probably making …

Friendly Birdie

Hi Guys,

For a few years I’ve been watching this bird come and rest in the trees next to my balcony. It rests for some time in the mornings and evenings. It is used to me now, and does not fly away when I’m near.

So yesterday we were having a cup of chai on the terrace, and this guy came around and sat down on our neighbour’s terrace.

Just minding my business here

Friendly bird

And then when I started clicking, this fellow stared right back at me!

You lookin at me bro?

Friendly bird staring at me

I don’t have a …

Creating Pixel Art

Happy New Year!!

The best way to keep an ongoing art practice is to incorporate it in things you already do. So if you write a lot of programs or make a lot of presentations, why not learn to make cool graphics to use them in your documents. Instead of searching for existing graphics online, you could create some of your own.

When it comes to digital art, pixel art is perhaps the oldest discipline - because early computers were limited in image processing and display. It is a wonderful art form which still survives today. And there are modern tools …

Artist Block! Gaaah!!

Ah! The dreaded artist block! When we keep staring at the blank page or canvas and nothing is happening. We are frozen, or we keep getting distracted, there is no inspiration. And internal voice screams “Why is this not working!!!! Gaaah!”

Well what if we could develop a strategy to deal with this mindfully. Instead of just worrying about this state, what if we could fix it. It’s better to fix it - I think we all agree. But HOW!?!

Easy 1st Step - Recognize

I think the first step is to recognize that you are blocked. And this condition could …

Protect the Zone

People call it being in the zone or being in the flow state. Some special conditions are required to get into the zone of creativity, where the mind is working smoothly and creative energy is flowing uninterrupted. Any interruption when you’re in this special place has a huge cost. You might not get back into the zone again that day, and even if you do, you would lose a lot of time.

Thus - protect the zone. Build a quiet workplace, let your partner, family, flat-mates know that you are not to be disturbed when you are in there. Such …

Looking forward to the New Year

Dear Reader,

Wish you happy holidays. Have a wonderful time, and do spend some time to enjoy the beauty of nature. And if you have time draw, photograph, make music.

And last but not the least, don’t forget to set some goals for the new year.

I leave you with this painting of contemplation.

Painting by hyperrealist painter Claudio Bravo

Painting - Contemplation by Claudio Bravo

Abhishek (art noob)

We Must Apply

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. – Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Dear Reader,

As a novice, I do not produce great art. At most times I produce works which are difficult to look at 😉. So what keeps me going. Well I have a goal in mind - it is vague and it shifts from time to time. But I would like to make professional quality illustrations and paintings, good enough to be able to make a decent comic book.

Now this goal pulls me towards itself. For this magnetic force to not frustrate and …