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Articles in the artnoob category

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10000 Bad Drawings

“We all have 10,000 bad drawings in us. The sooner we get them out the better.”
Walt Stanchfield

If we did 100 bad drawings a day - and these have to be studying line work, shapes, forms, light and shadow, tones, anatomy and so on. And they have to be each with some detail. Then we would be through our 10000 bad drawings in a 100 days.

If we did 10 a day which might sound realistic but it’s not easy, we would still take 1000 days which is roughly 3 years.

This is to reach basic proficiency in …

Water your plants! (Part - I)

“Trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit.”

Art Skills cannot be 3D-printed

We usually have unreasonable expectations from our body and mind, and from our teachers/tutors and even the world. We want to learn art in weeks and months or maybe a year. But our art skills grow like plants, slowly and deliberately, and need a lot of nutrients from the environment.

Learning the craftsmanship part of art can be thought of like growing a plant in a nursery or a garden. The plant will wither away or be stunted if not provided proper nutrients …

Learning Digital Painting

When I bought my digital tablet I went online looking for tutorials on how to start using it for painting. Those days I had a subscription for photoshop (I no longer do - and that’s a story for another post). Youtube videos, blogs, tutorials, manuals - I read and watched them all.

But ctrl+paint is the best free (+ paid for some) resource that I found online for learning digital painting. The free lessons are well organized and form a full curriculum. And the quality of lessons is amazing. So give it a go.

I leave you with Monet’s painting …

Drawing Tablets Are The Bee's Knees

This blog is about the little things one can appreciate in art and craft. One of the awesome inventions which has changed the art world and gave it new energy is the drawing tablet. They are an awesome drawing tool.

Mouse is a point and click device

I remember when I first started using a mouse (the first computers I used did not have a mouse)… I would try to sign my name in the paint program. But mice are terrible at drawing. They are good point and click devices, but they don’t track well. Whether you are sketching …

Green bug

As the rains in Bangalore subsided reluctantly after what seems like ages, the sun peeped out and out came this beautiful fellow. It was sunbathing on the wall of my balcony. What a confident and dashing caterpillar…

A green caterpillar

What’s the moral of the story today - “Some bugs are beautiful and deserve to be admired.”


Abhishek (the art noob)

Worst Drawing I Made

Long time ago, a guy I didn’t know so well once dragged me a couple of kilometers to the results display of an art competition. It was early morning and I was still groggy. I guess I was the only guy he could find to drag along. He said he was very nervous, he had made a masterpiece submission and was expecting to win. He was also rambling all along whether the judges would “get” his painting. I mumbled some nonsense as I tagged along.

We get there and he goes straight to his painting. If you won, your …

What's the Most Important Art Supply?

When you’re making some art you usually need something to make a mark - while drawing or painting. And you need something to make the mark on. You could use pencils ✏️, crayons, pastels, pens ✒️, brushes, watercolour, acrylic, oils and many more… even your fingers 👆! For surface you could use the ground, walls, paper 📄, canvas, bottles 🍾, furniture, clothes… the list is endless. You could draw with your fingers and hands on sand. And that’s exactly what sand sculpture artists do!

When I started drawing every day, I went ahead and bought some expensive art supplies. I loved doodling and drawing …

Wet Green Leaves

As you might have heard, it’s been raining hard in Bangalore for the last I don’t know how many days. We do get a respite from it for a few hours but then it starts all over again. Nice excuse to stay indoors and rolled up in a blanket. The rain does have a way of bringing out the vibrant greens all over the place.

So here’s a photo I took of the middle-aged tree just outside the balcony. It has some glorious leaves. Most of the times it is the little things that bring the greatest …

How I started drawing (again)...

(I’ll be writing about my experiences with drawing, but I believe what follows is applicable to many of the fine or performing arts)

Drawing is fun

When I first started drawing I must have been tiny and I don’t remember it at all. Kids draw with whatever they get and they draw whatever they see around them or they just scribble. They are not very good at it, even if the parents think they gave birth to a Monet or Van Gogh 🙈. Who can blame the parents though, here’s Jackson Pollock’s “Autumn Rhythm”. All I’ll …

Arrival of the Art Noob


Hello there 🙋‍♂️🙏! I’m Abhishek Mishra and this is The Art Noob, a newsletter about learning to draw and paint.

I started learning drawing and painting late in life, and the journey so far has been so interesting that I decided to document it in a blog/newsletter so that others may benefit or learn from it…

Bob Ross - Happy Accidents

or maybe just have fun laughing over my blundering, bungling, inept, klutzy, gauche efforts …

Phoebe laughing


I’ve been doodling for years, and I’m a hobbyist photographer for close to 15 years. A couple of years ago I was with my mom …

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